VT Republican Women Rally for suffrage
From Deborah Billado, VTGOP chairwoman
To celebrate the 100th year of the passage of the right to vote for women the Vermont Republican Party will sponsor an event at the Vermont statehouse commemorating the historic passage of the Nineteen Amendment on Saturday, September 12 at 10 am.
The Nineteenth Amendment to the US constitution was ratified by the final state to make it federal law following the passage of the amendment by both houses of congress with majority support from Republican lawmakers in June 1919. Women fought for the right to vote for decades starting in 1848. In 1878, Republican Senator Aaron A. Sargent, a friend of Susan B. Anthony, introduced what would later become the Nineteen Amendment.
The Vermont Republican Party will celebrate its contributions toward women's suffrage by celebrating its women candidates for office, including two candidates for statewide election, five state senate candidates and twenty seven state house candidates. Deb Billado, State Chair of the Vermont Republican Party expressed her enthusiasm for the event. "We have much to be proud of as a party for our history and the showing we have with women candidates in 2020, including women of color. From the very beginning the fight for women's right to vote came out of and was intertwined with the abolitionist movement."
Republican women candidates for statewide office include Carolyn Branagan for State Treasurer, and Miriam Berry for Congress.
The event will include speakers to remark on the history and importance of women's suffrage and the importance of women's voices in government today.