2020 Republican Presidential Convention Results
On May 16th, a team of 9 volunteers spent nearly their entire Saturday ensuring we had a valid election process by carefully reviewing each ballot before consideration, and then every ballot was counted, then recounted again, and to settle one race they were counted a third time. We received over 350 ballots, which accounted for thousands of individual votes which were all counted by hand. A huge Thank You is in order for our Ballot Counting Team.
We also want to thank all of the candidates that ran. Despite the uncertainty surrounding large scale events in general, we still had a very healthy competition in the delegate race, and we congratulate our winners, our alternates and our runners-up.
With our state convention behind us, let's all now work together and focus our attention on working towards Republican majorities in the House and Senate!
Rick Cochran
Wendy Wilton
Chet Greenwood
Laura Benner
Marianna Gamache
Lawrence Zupan
Bob Frenier
Anya Tynio
Darcie Johnston
Mark Candon
Rachel Stringer
Chuck Wilton
Zachary Zupan
Janssen Willhoit
Sharron Greenwood
Pamela Ackerson
Debra Ricker
Bob Orleck
Linda Kirker
Gregory Thayer
John Ackerson
Kay Trudell
Norman Boyden
Tyler-Joseph Ballard
Maryse Dunbar
Richard Bailey
Carol Nedde
Stephen Trahan