2022 VTGOP Platform Process

In January of 2022 the VTGOP will begin the process of updating it’s platform for the upcoming election. In the past this has been a purely internal process available only to the most dedicated Republican leaders and volunteers. But that is about to change. This election cycle the VT GOP will build its platform using the feedback provided here from Vermonters across our great state.

To grow our party and broaden our base we need to get more people involved. There are some people who used to be involved Republicans, but felt the party doesn’t represent them any more. There are also some people who feel the Democrats have gone too far to the left, and they are looking to see if there is a place for them in the Republican Party. And there are plenty of people who feel politically homeless, or just uncertain of where they belong. We want to hear from anyone who is willing to consider voting Republican this next election. Your feedback matters to us.

So complete the form and let us know: What are the issues and positions in our current platform that you think we need to keep or strengthen? What do we need to change? And what are the issues or problems our current platform doesn’t even address - but are critically important to Vermonters in the upcoming election?

You are welcome to submit general statements like “lower property taxes”, or even better send us specific and detailed policy proposals which could include model language from another state, or Title & Chapter of VT code that you think needs to be repealed. Your idea might be something big and bold like repealing the state income tax, or it might be a very narrow and mundane rule or regulation that needs a small tweak to have a beneficial impact. No idea is too big or too small to be considered. Or you might just want to offer a better, clearer, more compelling way to phrase something that is already included on our current platform.

We will review the ideas and proposals submitted through this form and relay them to the Platform Committee to be considered in our draft proposal due at our Platform Convention in May. Our State Party Chair will also interview and appoint up to three members to serve on the Platform Committee from among the best entries submitted by January 10th. Entries submitted after January 10th can still be considered for incorporation in the Platform, but their authors won’t be eligible to serve on the Committee which will be named in January.

Here are a few tips to help improve your idea being considered in the new platform:

1) Focus on Vermont. The Vermont Republican Party is crafting a Platform in order to communicate with Vermonters what Republicans would do if given a majority in the Vermont Legislature. Our legislators can’t control what happens in many federal issues like the national debt, military spending, immigration so we aren’t going to make promises we can’t keep.

2) Focus on One Idea. You are welcome to submit multiple ideas, but rather than cramming them all into one long submission, help us keep track of them by limiting your submissions to one idea at a time.

3) Focus on the Positive. Republicans will not be successful by talking about what we oppose. We have to stand FOR something. So frame your proposal in a way that describes what Republicans WOULD do with a majority - not just what they would oppose. Also frame it in such a way that as many Republicans as possible could agree, not so narrowly that only a few will. We need to grow the party, not shrink it.

4) Focus on the Solution. The best submissions may be the ones that clearly identify a problem here in Vermont AND offer a practical idea or principle that can help us solve or address the issue.

5) Focus on the Future. Don’t get stuck trying to turn back the clock to the policies of yesteryear. To show we are still relevant, VT Republicans need to take our same principles and apply them to the world that will exist 5 and 10 years from now.

Platform Proposal Form