We, Vermont Republicans, believe in the principles laid out in our nation’s Declaration of Independence that “all men [and women] are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights and that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness – That to secure these rights Governments are instituted among Men [and Women], deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”.

The Vermont Republican Party embraces the principles of the United States and Vermont Constitutions. Our platform is built on the foundations of those documents.

The Republican Party was forged in the fire of the American Civil War, in the fight to emancipate slaves from the South, and live up to the promise of our Constitution. Our first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, gave his life for the cause, as did over two hundred thousand men in the union army.

The Vermont Republican Party recognizes and opposes the perpetuation of racial prejudice and discrimination in America. We see the critical need to support reforms that strengthen the equal enforcement of justice and better educate law enforcement officers in their appreciated efforts to protect all communities.

Furthermore, the Vermont Republican Party stands in solidarity with all of those who are oppressed and state our belief in the beauty of all life. Our party remains fully committed to ensuring freedom for all; fighting for the right of all Americans to achieve their full potential, unrestrained by unnecessary government intervention.

1. Personal Liberty and Responsibility

Vermont Republicans are committed, without reservation, to the following constitutional precepts and tenets of personal liberty and responsibility:

1.    Freedom of speech, religion, and the press.

2.    The right to assemble peacefully and to petition the government.

3.    The right to acquire, maintain, and enjoy the use of private property.

4.    To ensure the integrity of elections.

5.    The right to keep and bear arms as articulated in the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution and Article 16 of the Vermont Constitution.

6.    Due process and equal protection of the law for all.


2. Economic Freedom and Opportunity

Vermont Republicans believe that citizens can best thrive when they are free to pursue economic and personal opportunities without unreasonable constraints including:

1.    Taxation: Government should tax equitably, with transparency, and at rates never higher than necessary to provide essential services cost-effectively.

2.    Employment: Government’s role is not to create jobs but to promote the conditions that make it possible for private enterprise to create jobs.

3.    Regulation: Government should regulate only when necessary to protect the rights and freedom of Vermont’s citizenry or to promote and solidify other tenets laid out in this platform. When regulations are necessary, they should be administered efficiently and equitably. 

4.    Infrastructure: A solid state-wide infrastructure is essential for economic growth and opportunity. Infrastructure projects and maintenance should foster efficient and economical transportation, widespread cell and internet service, and strong environmental stewardship.

5.    Energy: We support environmentally and economically responsible efforts to lower the cost of energy for every Vermont citizen and business. Sound energy policy demands a careful balance between the economy and the environment, and competitive rates to foster economic growth and financial stability.

6.    Climate Change: Recognizing that Vermont is already a leader in environmental stewardship, and the limited impact that Vermont can have on the worlds status, we support science and data-driven policies that proactively combat any potential effects of climate change, promote community resiliency efforts, clean energy solutions, and energy efficiency, while holding the line on added taxes and fees. Decisions regarding energy use should be made by consumers, not mandated by government.

3. Responsible and Responsive Government

Vermont Republicans believe that government should do only those things that individuals cannot do for themselves. In all cases, government must be administered honestly, competently, and without political bias. To these ends, we believe the following to be necessary:

1.    Adopting budgets that are honestly and truly balanced and that do not overspend available resources.

2.    Calling for a balanced Federal budget because we believe leaving large deficits for the next generation to pay is unethical.

3.    Implementing a permanent pension obligation solution, that recognizes current pension practices are unsustainable, and that promises made must be promises kept for current employees.

4.    Maintaining adequate financial reserves and a healthy bond rating.

5.    Providing sound oversight to reduce cost overruns and ensure funds are wisely spent, including transparent audits of all state programs.

6.    Adopting and enforcing strict ethical guidelines for those entrusted with the powers of government.

7.    Respecting the Vermont tradition of local control.


4. Safe & Healthy Community Environments

Vermont Republicans cherish our proud history of fighting for our environment, as well as keeping our communities free from crime. We promote and support:

1.    Strong and healthy families as the essential building block of society.

2.    Safe neighborhoods, schools, places of worship, and public gathering places.

3.    Wise stewardship of our air, land, and waterways, recognizing that we hold our natural resource in trust for future generations.

4.    Care for vulnerable children, the elderly, the sick, and the poor, when they are unable to care for themselves.

5.    Respect for the inherent value of all human life regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, religion, socioeconomic status, or national origin. We value the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.

5. Health Care

Vermont Republicans support efforts to achieve accessible and affordable healthcare without rationing or making drastic cuts that provide care to the most vulnerable Vermonters. We support:

1.    Respecting the primacy of the patient/physician relationship.

2.    Choice, competition and transparency among health care insurers and service providers.

3.    Allowing individuals to purchase insurance across state lines.

4.    Enacting tort reform measures that would help discourage unscrupulous law suits that drive up costs.

5.    Innovative measures that improve access or quality of care.

6.    Assuring that payment reforms preserve as inviolable the Medicare benefits that have been earned by our senior citizens.


6. A Well-Educated Citizenry

Vermont Republicans believe that citizens thrive when they have ready access to high quality education. Government should respect the role of students, parents, and legal guardians, who have a critical and vested interest in the educational process. We support:

1.    Expanding choices for parents of K-12 students through vouchers, tax credits, or other means.

2.    Enabling affordable higher education opportunities for all citizens.

3.    Helping Vermonters regain local control over the funding, operation and curricula of their schools.

4.    Ensuring there are safe and equitable learning environments which promote community, diversity, and success.



Vermont Republicans believe in one nation under God, individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited government, compassion for the needy, low taxes, a free market economy, and local control. The principles set forth in this platform reflect the beliefs and values that characterize the Vermont Republican Party. While individual Republicans may hold diverse opinions in some areas, such differences should not deflect from advancing the principles that unite us as a party.