Tell Gov. Scott to VETO S.30 the new Gun control bill
Progressive Democrats are back at it again attacking our right to keep and bear arms!
What started out as a simple bill to ban the use of firearms in hospitals has been stretched and distorted by House Democrats to add more and more unnecessary gun control provisions. They can’t seem to stop themselves from constant infringements on the rights of law abiding Vermonters.
This bill creates two new problems for lawful gun owners:
1) Some potential gun owners who submit to a background check, and do not get denied could be put on an endless waiting loop costing them additional time and fees, and
2) ANY health professional (including your dental hygienist!) regardless of mental health training could end up reporting you to authorities, confiscating your guns without due process
House Republicans stood firm and opposed this bill - but now we need the Governor’s help. Make sure to sign this petition and leave a note for Gov. Phil Scott to let him know he needs to protect the rights of Vermonters and VETO this bill.
SIGN THE PETITION below to let the Governor know that we need his VETO!