A national law firm has agreed to file suit concerning the Vermont Secretary of State’s directive on mail in voting. They want evidence as to what has happened with the postcards the Secretary of State sent to every “active” voter in Vermont for the August 11th primary. So, if you received any postcards from the Secretary of State that were addressed to persons who no longer live at your residence, or were mis-addressed in some way, please fill out the attached affidavit listing what town you live in, and providing the facts concerning the mis-address. (For example: I live in Montpelier, Vermont. I received a postcard from the town clerk addressed to my daughter, who has not lived here for 2 years, and is registered to vote in New York.) You can type it, or hand write it. You will need to sign it in front of a notary.

Send the original to:
Deborah Bucknam
434 Eastman Road
Walden, VT 05836.

If you have any questions, you may call Deb at 802-748-5525 Ext. 101.
In addition, if you have any of the postcards that were mis-addressed, we would like those as well—they are not necessary, but they would be helpful. Thanks!